
Nightingale and Cuckoo by Sharon Elizabeth

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Connection is at the heart, the fine threads we weave that bring
together people and ideas, deepening our connection to nature and each other through creativity………

Latest from the Blog

Roll up, roll up!

The autumn mists are starting to roll in here in Pevensey and we’ve been treated to some delicious warm golden days as the nights draw in. Autumn is not only the time for harvest, but also the time of regeneration as seeds tuck into the soil and wait for the spring. It’s also time to…

Nimble Fingers and Enthusiasm!

It’s time for a little update on the Anderida Park wildflower meadow trial. On the 27th August a small group of us gathered to hand harvest some wild flower seed on a beautifully hot summer’s day. Before the meeting I WhatsApped Keith to ask him what we would need, “Nimble fingers and enthusiasm!” Love it…………

Testing, Testing……. Anderida Park Wild Flower Meadow Project Trial

This is a very exciting blog post! Earlier in the year I listened to a ‘Roots and All’ podcast with my friend meadow expert Keith Datchler being interviewed about wild flower meadows. Not only was I puffed up in pride to hear him speak but I was also inspired by his beautiful wisdom, insights and…